Mighty morphin power rangers theme original
Mighty morphin power rangers theme original

Once joined in tank mode, the Megazord can emit a set of electrical energy bursts from the eyes of the individual Zords, and unleash blasts from the Mastodon's cannons. The Mastodon attaches to the Tyrannosaurus's back and created a set of forward-facing cannons, while the Pterodactyl clips onto the Tyrannosaurus's back.

mighty morphin power rangers theme original

The Tyrannosaurus represents the tank's core, with the Saber-Toothed Tiger and Triceratops attaching to form the left and right treads, respectively. In forming the original Megazord, the Dinozords almost always join into a Tank Mode first, even if only temporarily before switching to Battle Mode. The Megazord is the combination of the five Dinozords, forming a powerful humanoid robot which is strong and moderately fast, and this is the most common formation that that Rangers use when fighting supersized monsters. The Zords of Power Rangers: Dino Thunder are called Biozords, but are also referred to as Dinozords at times, though their Megazord formation is called the Thundersaurus Megazord. It is the only Dinozord capable of flight, and can fire strafing lightning beams from its shoulders.

  • Pterodactyl Dinozord: Piloted by the original Pink Ranger Kimberly Hart, it sleeps inside a presumably active volcano, and causes a minor eruption each time it departs.
  • Its tail can rotate up and fire an energy beam, and it occasionally attacks enemies directly as a biological tiger would.
  • Saber-Toothed Tiger Dinozord: Piloted by the original Yellow Ranger Trini Kwan, its hiding place is deep within a jungle, and it shows off its speed and dexterity by leaping over tall jungle trees each time it charges into battle.
  • It features a twin laser cannon on its tail, and a set of horns that can launch and serve as grappling devices.
  • Triceratops Dinozord: Piloted by the Blue Ranger Billy Cranston, it rests in a desert, and rolls into battle on a set of treads rather than feet or legs.
  • In the toyline, it is erroneously referred to as the Mammoth Dinozord. The Mastodon can shoot a cold blast from its trunk which was capable of freezing some enemies.
  • Mastodon Dinozord: Piloted by the original Black Ranger Zack Taylor, it is hidden beneath a glacier of ice.
  • It also has ranged weapons which are not frequently used there is a cannon in its throat that can be fired into the ground and cause a huge tornado, and its eyes can fire powerful laser beams. Independently, its capabilities include a prehensile tail that can swing at enemies (either to swipe an opponent's chest or trip them), or allow it to gain a height advantage so it can jump-kick a foe with its knees (against the Dragonzord in "Green with Evil", and against Spidertron with less success). The only bipedal and melee capable Dinozord, it occasionally fights on its own and is capable of singlehandedly defeating an opponent.
  • Tyrannosaurus Dinozord: Piloted by the original Red Ranger Jason Lee Scott, it is hidden underground and rises up through a fissure.
  • When the Thunderzords are destroyed in season three, the Dinozords are destroyed along with them, due to their being the base components for the Thunderzords. After they are upgraded into the Thunderzords in season two, the Rangers no longer use the Dinozords for battle, but every time they summon the Thunderzords, the Dinozords usually appear first and then each change into their Thunderzord counterparts. The Dinozords are used to battle the forces of Rita Repulsa throughout season one. During "The Mutiny" multi-part episodes, the Rangers collectively call upon the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord due to the freezing of the other Dinozords. To summon the Zords, the Rangers normally call out, "We Need Dinozord Power, Now!" (Though in some episodes the Rangers simply called on their Zords individually).

    mighty morphin power rangers theme original

    The Mastodon and Saber-Toothed Tiger are mammals that are post-Cretaceous, while Pterodactyls are pterosaurs, a separate group of archosaurs from dinosaurs. In the original " Day of the Dumpster" pilot, they are referred to as "Dinodroids." It is interesting to note that, although they are referred to collectively as Dinozords, only the Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops are actual dinosaurs. They are all based on prehistoric creatures. The Dinozords are the very first Zords to be used in Power Rangers history.

    Mighty morphin power rangers theme original